Blake Bowen

Blake Bowen


5K: Sub 26min

RHBH Throw: 370 ft

3rd in 400M Race in 2010,

Fairfield Union Athletic Hall of Fame member 2023


WSBB Personal Training and Athletic Coaching Cert

About Coach

Growing up I was outside playing any game I could outside. Growing up I played Football, Basketball and Ran Track in high school.I excelled in track and by my senior year placed 3rd in the 400m race in division 2 boys track. Moving on to college I played basketball for 3 years at OU-Lancaster Campus. Training really started to become something I loved during my time in college. I trained for a powerlifting meet and a couple physique shows during that time. While working as a demo rep for a supplement company, I came into contact with Nick. Nick gave me a shot at working with athletes of all ages and experience levels. Giving young athletes a better chance to continue playing at a higher level and acheiving personal goals is something I always strive to do.

Turning Point

My turning point was probably the guidance of some friends I had at the time. I was startnig to get into training but didn't have a purpose other than to stay strong for sports and try to look good. Found another like minded guy in college and we started training early everyday. Before long we had been working out together for years. We both fed off of eachother when it came to training and learning more about it. Eventually our paths split but training continues to be a large part of my passion in life and sharing all that knowledge with those coming up in the world so they can acheive more and have a foundation to continue to grow on.

Motivation & Passion

My purpose for coaching is to help young athletes achieve more and feel more comfortable with training as they grow. Training in high school always felt awkward with little guidance on form or technique. A lot of our athletes are coming to train for the first time or have never had anyone able to help them feel like they know what to do. My purpose is to give them the skills to not only excel in their sport, but to be able to take the training tips we give them on in life to stay active and healthy through all the different stages they will go through.