Nick Showman

Nick Showman


Nick competed for 6 years as professional powerlifter and was a member of the world renowned club, Westside Barbell. His best competition lifts were 942lb Squat, 700lb Bench Press, and 760lb Deadlift with a 2,309lb Total.


NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist/Youth Exercise Specialist
TPI Level 1 Certified

About Coach

Nick is the Owner of Showtime Strength & Performance. He was worked with athletes ranging from 8 years old to Professional and Olympic levels. He has also helped many regular adults discover a love for exercise and training. He lives in Granville with his wife, Claire, son Layne, and dogs Jessie and Bella. When he's not training he enjoys Mountain Biking or live music.

Turning Point

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition Certified

Motivation & Passion

Helping people realize they can do the things they didn't think were physically possible